Michigan Advantage
What is the Michigan Advantage? The Michigan Advantage refers to the incredible wealth of opportunities and benefits that Michigan provides for its vibrant research community.
With approximately 10 million people, our state has one of the largest populations in the country; as a result, our patient population is also very large. This large population means patient recruitment is achievable no matter the size or scope of the study in question. In addition, Michigan residents come from all over the world, and a variety of ethnicities and countries are represented within our borders. This diverse population offers additional value to a clinical study.
Our state ranks in the top 10 in the nation for number of physicians, as well as for the number of residents and fellows being trained. This means that we have a knowledgeable and well established base of physicians, and we will have this for many years to come. With a large network of healthcare professionals and a large network of patients, Michigan can provide the essential resources needed for countless studies in all indications.
The Michigan Center of Medical Research is well positioned to be the leader in clinical research. With our vast network of hospitals, physician groups, and medical facilities, as well as our affiliated partnerships, we are uniquely suited to take full advantage of the many resources we have.
In addition to our intelligent, hard working staff, we offer something that no other site has: The Michigan Advantage.